Tuesday, August 26, 2008

why? why are people like this?

I really don't get it, but it seems to be a growing problem - or maybe I'm just noticing it more lately. I am talking about people that just don't seem to give a shit and the people who make excuses for them.

I see it everywhere lately - At work, at the grocery store, at school, at restaurants, everywhere. Sloppy work from people that don't seem to care. And it doesn't seem to do any good to "talk to their supervisor" because all they ever seem to do is make excuses for that crappy work. I have to wonder what happened to the work ethic of these people. I like to do a good job on whatever I do, to do it the right way, the way I know it's supposed to be done. And in a lot of these cases there are codes and regulations that are supposed to be followed. Obviously, they aren't being followed. I really don't understand how a person can be happy with themselves when they do that kind of sub-standard work.

Oh, and the excuses I hear are almost worse.

"I'm having a bad day"
"It's time for me to go home"
"I don't get paid enough to care"
"I don't have the budget to do it right"
"I didn't have time to do it the right way"
"I'd quit, but I need the money"
"I don't like him/her, they are lucky I'm doing it at all"

This is the crap I hear and it drives me bat-shit insane. I guess I figure that I was hired to do a job and I should be doing it to the best of my abilities and doing it according to code. Yes, we all have time and money constraints but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't do the job right. Aaaargh! I guess I'll take a deep breath and continue on doing what I always do - do my best and try to persuade others to do the same.

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