Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I haven't written anything for a while. I've just been dealing with a depression and not much feeling like doing anything or writing anything.

so, what have i been up to?

I saw 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' at the midnight release and i really liked it. It's sad when something like that ends, it's been a great series and is a good story. Someday i may go back and read all of the books again, i haven't re-read one since it's movie came out.

I screwed up my financial aid and now I might not be able to take any classes this fall. I swear I'm not getting a degree before I'm 50. Oh well, I have a job and it pays pretty well and I'm not planning on leaving it anytime soon.

I still am struggling with my weight, tipping those scales around 290 and holding. I have tried cutting out fast food for the most part, and recently have limited myself to one diet soda a day. I need to get back in the habit of getting on the treadmill and using the weights. I've got to do something, I'm so unhappy with my weight and appearance.

I've been to Cedar Point twice this year and had some fun both times. I get a little depressed that I can't ride the Millennium Force, the seat belt won't buckle around me - I'm too big. But, I can still ride most of the other rides and I can get in the Maverick which is an awesome ride. We are considering going one more time for Halloweekends.

My oldest daughter is getting ready for college, she just got her room and roommate assignment.

My youngest daughter has been accepted in the exchange program to go to Moriyama, Japan in the Spring of 2012. We would be hosting a Japanese student in October of 2011.

So, I think that's the major points and what I've been up to.

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