Thursday, May 22, 2008

Summer movie season continues

Tomorrow is the Indiana Jones release - the second of my must-see Summer movies. I've heard mixed reviews of it so far, but I will need to see it for myself before I make a judgment. I like the fact that they seem to playing up the "old" Indiana. Not as fast, not as strong, older. I appreciate that and often feel the same way.

[UPDATE] I liked the movie. Yes, it kinda gets a little far fetched and you can really see some of the "shock" moments coming a mile away, but it was a fun movie to watch. It's the same Indy theme - he's kidnapped by the "bad" guys, chase scenes, old friends reappear, lots of action and finally a tidy wrap up where the bad guy gets punished. I still liked it and it was good to see Indy on the screen again.

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