Friday, November 28, 2008

What do you watch on Thanksgiving?

I forgot to publish this one yesterday...

"Home for the Holidays" is on the DVD player, in my opinion one of the best Thanksgiving movies ever. I don't know about your family, but that one is the closest that it gets to the type of day we tend to have. If you haven't seen this movie, I strongly recommend it. Not really a Norman Rockwell movie, but my life has never been like that. Check it out - it's great.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Turkey Day

Gobble Gobble!

Here's hoping you all have a Happy Thanksgiving celebrating however you do. I will be having a bunch of family, from both sides, over and enjoying the cooking prowess of my wife and others. My contribution is staying out of the kitchen and doing what I am told.

So, be thankful for something today. Even in the face of the economic situation we are experiencing in the United States and with so much turmoil in the world - we still have the most fortunate country in the world and a lot to be thankful for.

Peace to you all...and pass the apple pie!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can

I hate to focus on the race issue, but it is there and must be addressed. The United States of America has elected a true African-American as the next President. I don't mean a black man, but an African-America - The son of a Kenyan and an American.

Some have pointed out that we call him black, but he has a mixed heritage. Many of us are in the same classification and are called by our skin color. I like to think of my President as an American. He is of mixed heritage, raised by a single mother and sometimes by his grandparents, he has a multicultural family and an interesting political background.

I have trust and faith that we are moving forward in the world view, we are breaking some of the barriers that have existed for centuries and my hope is that we become a better country for it.