Saturday, March 7, 2009

They say it's your birthday!

The day has come, my oldest daughter has turned 16 today. She was born on a beautiful spring day in 1993, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu, HI. I cried while I cut the umbilical cord and she was taking her first breaths. The birth was both the most beautiful and most disgusting thing I had even seen. If you have even witnessed a birth, you know what I mean. She was easy to spot in the nursery that day - the only blonde girl in there, surrounded by the dark hair and skin of the rest of the children.

It seems that so much time has passed, but there is so much more to come. Proms, graduations, wedding, and maybe her own children.

I am so proud of the person she is and I hope she will continue to be.

I love her.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Update on the diet

I have hit the dreaded plateau at 256 - I just can't seem to get past it. I think I am going to drop to phase 1 again to see if I can shock the system back into loss mode.
