Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Tattoo

I got a pair of tattoos over the weekend and I absolutely love them. I have been working on the concept/design for over a year and I finally got it to where I liked it and was ready to go with the ink. This design is deeply personal to me and I am just amazed every time I look at it.

My Right Side - The birds on my right side are representative of my daughters and are done in their favorite colors. It also happens to be my favorite Bob Marley song - 'Three Little Birds'. The branch is alive and vibrant, that's the happy me. There are a number of flowers for color and one that represents a person who is very special to me.

My Left Side - The left side is the old crow, Me. Watching, waiting, alone. The moon represents my bi-polar disorder and the cycle that comes with it. The branch is old and dead and withered, the way I feel most of the time.

Overall - this represents the way duality of my personality, the light and dark, a balance or struggle for balance. The yin/yang is overdone, and this means so much more. I am thrilled with the end result. It's mine and no one else has one like it.

Now - what to design next...

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